
26 June 2024


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Robert Wright (Bloggingheads.tv, The Evolution of God, Nonzero, Why Buddhism Is True) and Matthew Lee (Inner City Press, Predatory Bender)

Bloggingheads United Nations correspondent Matthew Lee reports on the vetoed Syria resolution and the behind-the-scenes machinations that led to its failure. Bob wonders if the world would be better off with a “get out of jail free” card for deposed dictators. Plus, Matthew has a shocking report on a Sri Lankan war criminal becoming a UN peacekeeping advisor, which leads him to inveigh against the UN’s lack of accountability.

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Recorded:Feb 4    Posted:Feb 5, 2012
Nonzero (The Wright Show) | Feb 5, 2012 | Robert Wright & Matthew Lee

Nonzero (The Wright Show)

Reckoning with China

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Robert Wright and New York Times diplomatic correspondent Edward Wong discuss Chinese history, US-China relations, and Edward’s new book, At the Edge of Empire.


Trump Hates Milwaukee

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Can Biden win the debate just by stringing two sentences together? Matt K. Lewis and Bill Scher discuss on this week’s DMZ.

Nonzero (The Wright Show)

Confessions of a Black Conservative

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Robert Wright and Glenn Loury discuss Glenn’s new memoir, Late Admissions.

Nonzero (The Wright Show)

AI, Techno-optimism, and Cosmic Purpose

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Robert Wright and techno-visionary Kevin Kelly discuss our technological trajectory—and how to grapple with it. Plus: the AI boom vs AI doom, the noosphere, what the universe is for, and more.

Nonzero (The Wright Show)

The Alien Mind of AI

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Robert Wright and cognitive scientist Steven Pinker discuss what AI tells us about the human mind.

Nonzero (The Wright Show)

A Trump 2.0 Foreign Policy

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Robert Wright and Kelley Vlahos, host of the Trip the Beltway Fantastic podcast, discuss the impact on world affairs of a Trump victory in November.

Nonzero (The Wright Show)

Trump’s Conviction, Russia-Ukraine Escalation

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Robert Wright and Andrew Day discuss a busy news week in American politics.

Nonzero (The Wright Show)

Is Trump worse than Biden on Gaza?

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Robert Wright and American Prestige podcast hosts Derek Davison and Daniel Bessner debate.


Nikki Haley Sells Out. Again.

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On this week’s DMZ, Bill Scher and Matt K. Lewis discuss Nikki Haley’s very predictable announcement of support for Donald Trump.