
28 June 2024


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Recorded:Jun 19    Posted:Jun 20, 2024
The DMZ | Jun 20, 2024 | Matt K. Lewis & Bill Scher

Nonzero (The Wright Show)

Brave New AI World

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Robert Wright and Jeffrey Ladish, Executive Director of Palisade Research, discuss superintelligence, US-China rivalry, and the perils of AI acceleration.

Nonzero (The Wright Show)

Presidential Debate Preview

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Matt K. Lewis and Bill Scher discuss the first Biden-Trump debate of 2024.

Nonzero (The Wright Show)

Reckoning with China

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Robert Wright and New York Times diplomatic correspondent Edward Wong discuss Chinese history, US-China relations, and Edward’s new book, At the Edge of Empire.

Nonzero (The Wright Show)

Confessions of a Black Conservative

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Robert Wright and Glenn Loury discuss Glenn’s new memoir, Late Admissions.

Nonzero (The Wright Show)

AI, Techno-optimism, and Cosmic Purpose

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Robert Wright and techno-visionary Kevin Kelly discuss our technological trajectory—and how to grapple with it. Plus: the AI boom vs AI doom, the noosphere, what the universe is for, and more.

Nonzero (The Wright Show)

The Alien Mind of AI

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Robert Wright and cognitive scientist Steven Pinker discuss what AI tells us about the human mind.

Nonzero (The Wright Show)

A Trump 2.0 Foreign Policy

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Robert Wright and Kelley Vlahos, host of the Trip the Beltway Fantastic podcast, discuss the impact on world affairs of a Trump victory in November.

Nonzero (The Wright Show)

Trump’s Conviction, Russia-Ukraine Escalation

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Robert Wright and Andrew Day discuss a busy news week in American politics.