
1 June 2024


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Kevin Glass (Franklin Center for Government and Public Integrity) and David A. Graham (The Atlantic)

On Rational Actors, Kevin and David delve into the debate over race and conservatism sparked by Jonathan Chait’s blog post on 12 Years a Slave. Kevin says the distinction between structural and overt racism blinds conservatives, and David notes the trouble of disentangling racially and politically motivated attacks on Obama. How does the whiteness of the elected GOP affect this debate? Have conservatives gone backwards on race in the Obama era? Next, they consider Martin Bashir’s resignation from MSNBC and whether liberals have been sexist toward Sarah Palin. Plus: The real reason Alec Baldwin was fired from the network.

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Recorded:Dec 5    Posted:Dec 6, 2013
Rational Actors | Dec 6, 2013 | Kevin Glass & David A. Graham

Nonzero (The Wright Show)

Trump’s Conviction, Russia-Ukraine Escalation

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Robert Wright and Andrew Day discuss a busy news week in American politics.

Nonzero (The Wright Show)

Is Trump worse than Biden on Gaza?

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Robert Wright and American Prestige podcast hosts Derek Davison and Daniel Bessner debate.


Nikki Haley Sells Out. Again.

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On this week’s DMZ, Bill Scher and Matt K. Lewis discuss Nikki Haley’s very predictable announcement of support for Donald Trump.

Nonzero (The Wright Show)

GPT-4o: harbinger of the Metaverse?

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Robert Wright and Paul Bloom discuss the latest LLM offering from OpenAI.

Nonzero (The Wright Show)

In Defense of AI Doomerism

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Robert Wright and AI safety activist Liron Shapira discuss the case for treating AI as an existential threat. Plus: The OpenAI resignations, the “Pause AI” movement, assessing Altman’s AI safety sincerity, and more.


Trump and Biden are Set to Debate

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What’s behind Biden’s decision to schedule early debates with Trump? Matt K. Lewis and Bill Scher discuss on this week’s DMZ.

Nonzero (The Wright Show)

Has Antisemitism Surged?

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Robert Wright and The Free Press reporter Eli Lake discuss campus protests, free speech controversies, DEI, and the Israel lobby.


Stormy Daniels’ Graphic Testimony

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Why are evangelicals sticking with Trump despite his adultery? Bill Scher and Matt K. Lewis discuss on this week’s DMZ.

Nonzero (The Wright Show)

Antisemitism and Free Speech

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Robert Wright and Paul Bloom discuss campus controversies, media misinformation, and whether the “new atheists” get religion wrong.