
3 May 2024


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Conor Friedersdorf (The AtlanticMeeting Triumph and Disaster) and Phoebe Connelly (Yahoo! News)

Conor and Phoebe talk about photos of cute animals and the copyright implications of republishing them. Conor demands that pundits stop using the phrase “the most important election since…” Phoebe explains why she likes the sitcom New Girl—does it capture something important about how twentysomethings live today? They next discuss Hulu, its business model, and the best way to watch television. Conor shares his experience watching Glenn Beck’s new subscription-based online TV network. They conclude by discussing the departure of Newt Gingrich from the presidential race and the fascinating figure of Callista Gingrich.

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Recorded:May 3    Posted:May 4, 2012
Friedersdorf | May 4, 2012 | Conor Friedersdorf & Phoebe Connelly


Trump’s 2nd Term Plan: Be MEANER

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Should we be freaked out about Trump’s second-term agenda? Bill Scher and Matt K. Lewis discuss on this week’s DMZ.

Nonzero (The Wright Show)

A Debate on Israel-Palestine

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Coleman Hughes, author of The End of Race Politics, talks to Robert Wright about campus protests, the war in Gaza, and Palestinian national identity.


How Joe Biden Saved Ukraine (And Nobody Noticed)

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Does Biden deserve more credit for averting an Israel-Iran war and securing Ukraine aid? Bill Scher and Matt K. Lewis discuss.

Nonzero (The Wright Show)

Campus Protests, Dennett’s Legacy

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Robert Wright and Paul Bloom discuss the pro-Palestine student protests and their fallout. Plus: Remembering—and disagreeing with—Daniel Dennett.

Nonzero (The Wright Show)

Why did Putin turn against the West?

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Robert Wright and Russian journalist and futurist Anatoly Karlin discuss the issue.


Just ONE MAGA Juror is All TRUMP Needs

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Can Trump get one secret partisan on the hush money trial jury to thwart a guilty verdict? Bill Scher and Matt K. Lewis discuss on this week’s DMZ.

Nonzero (The Wright Show)

How Iran’s Attack Benefits Israel

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Iran’s strike on Israel was an “own goal,” Middle East expert Joshua Landis tells Robert Wright.

Nonzero (The Wright Show)

Thinking Back on Kahneman, Fast and Slow

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Robert Wright and Paul Bloom discuss the late Nobel laureate’s life and legacy.


Can Abortion Sink Trump?

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Can Donald Trump move to the center on the issue of abortion? Or will Joe Biden’s ads effectively tie him to the overturning of Roe v. Wade? Bill Scher and Matt K. Lewis discuss on this week’s DMZ.

Nonzero (The Wright Show)

Israel out of control

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Robert Wright and American Prestige hosts Derek Davison and Daniel Bessner discuss attacks on aid workers and Iran’s embassy.