
3 March 2025


The Posner Show

Sarah Posner invites guests from across the ideological spectrum to discuss breaking news and three-alarm issues at the intersection of politics and religion.

Jul 16, 2013 — Sarah Posner & Anthea Butler
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On The Posner Show, Sarah talks with Anthea about religion and the acquittal of George Zimmerman. The verdict made Anthea think of a book she read in seminary, Is God A White Racist? They discuss how appeals to religion differ on the right and the left. What does Juror B37’s interview with Anderson Cooper reveal about the racial biases jurors brought to the case? Sarah and Anthea strongly critique Richard Cohen’s column on the trial. Finally: How should President Obama talk about the case?

Jun 26, 2013 — Sarah Posner & Denny Burk
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On The Posner Show, Sarah and Denny analyze the Supreme Court’s gay marriage decisions. Denny was surprised by Justice Kennedy’s decision against the Defense of Marriage Act, and argues that the opinion puts opponents of same-sex marriage in the same category as racists, while Sarah argues the opinion says religion and morals can’t be used as an excuse to discriminate. Is US v. Windsor the Roe v. Wade of marriage equality? Do younger evangelicals even care about this issue anymore? Denny argues that evangelicals have themselves failed to promote a culture of marriage. Plus: Why Denny thinks conservatives reacting hysterically to these decisions isn’t helpful.

Jun 20, 2013 — Sarah Posner & Haroon Moghul
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On The Posner Show, Sarah discusses the protests in Turkey with Haroon, who just returned from Istanbul. Haroon talks about why the protests are not as the American media has portrayed them, and how he got tear-gassed and saw Man of Steel on the same weekend. They discuss the lack of an effective political opposition to Prime Minister Erdogan. Haroon recounts his surprising discussions with conservative and religious Turks, and explains why the protests in Turkey are not like the Arab Spring. Is Erdogan going for the political “death blow“? Plus: What it feels like to be tear-gassed.

Jun 7, 2013 — Sarah Posner & Betsy Woodruff
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On The Posner Show, Sarah and Betsy talk about the political fallout from this week’s revelations about NSA communications surveillance. Will Rand Paul‘s pledge to reform the security state be a political asset for him, or will it damage his credibility with the GOP base? They then turn to the House GOP turmoil over immigration reform, and the role that evangelical support for immigrants might play. They also discuss Betsy’s piece on E.W. Jackson, the controversial GOP nominee for lieutenant governor in Virginia, and in particular his preaching of the prosperity gospel.

May 23, 2013 — Sarah Posner & Eric Segall
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On The Posner Show, Sarah talks to Eric about Town of Greece v. Galloway, a case the Supreme Court just decided to hear in which two town residents challenged as a violation of separation of church and state Christian prayers that have opened the town council’s meetings. Eric says that Supreme Court precedent on the subject of legislative prayers has created “chaos” and adopted a “pernicious” historical test. Eric argues that a moment of silence is the best solution. They discuss how the case is likely to play out before the Supreme Court. Plus: What about the Texas cheerleader case?

May 15, 2013 — Sarah Posner & Sigal Samuel
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On The Posner Show, Sarah talks with Sigal about last week’s violence at the Western Wall by ultra-Orthodox men opposed to the activities of the group Women of the Wall. They discuss the background of this controversy, including the arrest of the group’s leader a month ago. Sigal argues that last week was a watershed moment for Israeli feminism. Are mainstream Israelis following this story closely? Sarah observes that women from fundamentalist backgrounds often find secularism to be a major challenge to their identity. Will American Jews be able to play a role in resolving this issue?

Apr 23, 2013 — Sarah Posner & Wajahat Ali
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On The Posner Show, Sarah talks with Wajahat about Islamophobia in the wake of the Boston Marathon bombings. What does it mean when press accounts describe Tamerlan Tsarnaev as an increasingly “devout” Muslim? Wajahat explains the vast gulf between the perception and the reality of American Muslims. Why are some terrorists described as “lone wolves” but, without organizational links to an international terror organization, the Tsarnaev brothers are described as “self-radicalized” terrorists? Wajahat explains the Bugs Bunny/Daffy Duck dynamic to Americans’ reaction to terrorism. Plus: Why aren’t we talking about the Tsarnaevs and gun control? UPDATE: Reaction to the AP’s reporting on Tamerlan’s radicalization and the mysterious “Misha.”

Apr 18, 2013 — Sarah Posner & Kathryn Joyce
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On The Posner Show, Sarah talks to Kathryn Joyce, author of a new book on evangelical adoption, The Child Catchers. Kathryn describes how adoption has developed as an expansion of anti-abortion politics. Who is responsible for making adoption go viral among evangelicals in the past decade? Is there really an “orphan crisis?” Kathryn recounts an episode of adoption fraud from Ethiopia, and explains the trouble with adoptions from Liberia. Finally, has the evangelical community reassessed some of the systemic problems with international adoptions?

Apr 8, 2013 — Sarah Posner & Maysoon Zayid
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On The Posner Show, Sarah talks with comic, writer, and activist Maysoon Zayid about whether talking about politics and religion can be funny (and how Al Gore destroyed her life). Maysoon explains why she tries to change the language Palestinians use to describe the occupation—a word she says has lost its meaning. Maysoon describes the tour she would have given President Obama during his trip to Israel-Palestine. Plus: Maysoon’s charity, Maysoon’s Kids, which helps children with disabilities living in the occupied territories.

Mar 20, 2013 — Sarah Posner & Sarah Wildman
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On The Posner Show, Sarah talks with Sarah Wildman about President Obama’s trip to Israel, in light of Sarah W.’s recent reporting in Jerusalem. Why would the building of settlements in the E1 area be a “fatal heart attack” to the prospects for peace? They discuss the settlement-building “swagger” that continues to pervade the new coalition government. Is a third intifada just waiting for a spark to set it off? They highlight the inclusive philosophy of pro-Zionist, pro-peace activist Daniel Seidemann, who runs the NGO Terrestrial Jerusalem. Plus: How Jerusalem is being Disney-fied through archaeology, and what Jerusalem will Obama see?
