
27 February 2025


Bloggingheads.tv videos — February 2013


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Feb 28, 2013 — Bill Scher & Matt K. Lewis
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On The DMZ: Can Republicans beat Obama on the sequester? Or has the president broken their will? What will it take for conservatism to make a comeback? Were Republicans smart to put so much effort into the failed attempt to block Chuck Hagel’s nomination? Plus: CPAC and the conservative movement’s identity crisis.

Feb 27, 2013 — Alyssa Rosenberg & Emily Nussbaum
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Critic Proof

On Critic Proof, Alyssa and Emily compare two TV shows about Washington, House of Cards and Scandal. They explain how they came around to Scandal. They discuss the show’s sex scenes and handling of race, which seem edgy by network television standards, and ponder whether it will go off the rails. Turning to House of Cards, Alyssa explains why she’s been underwhelmed by the much-hyped Netflix drama. Does either show capture DC journalism accurately? And why is it so hard to write a compelling show about politics? (Spoilers throughout.)

Feb 27, 2013 — Glenn Loury & Harold Pollack
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The Glenn Show

On The Glenn Show, Glenn and Harold discuss crime in Chicago. Harold explains why more guns means more dead bodies, and why he can feel some sympathy for George Zimmerman, Trayvon Martin’s killer. They discuss the difficulty of seeing people—young black men, in particular—as individuals. Are “family values” at least part of the answer to inner-city crime? Glenn and Harold deliver a harsh critique of Kevin Williamson’s recent National Review essay on Chicago. Finally, can literature help bridge cultural divides in America?

Feb 25, 2013 — Conor Friedersdorf & Mark Oppenheimer
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On Friedersdorf, Mark and Conor kick things off by discussing the Pope’s resignation and how American Catholics are processing it. Can the Church change the internal culture that enabled the sex abuse cover-up? They next explore this question: Is it possible to be an NFL star and a good Christian? And is the idea that sports build character just a myth? Mark explains why he wants to develop the habit of occasionally smoking pot. And Conor argues that in the war on terror, Americans ought to show more courage.
Feb 25, 2013 — Sarah Posner & Paul Raushenbush
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The Posner Show
On The Posner Show, Sarah talks to Paul about Tim Tebow’s cancellation of his appearance at First Baptist Church in Dallas. They discuss the controversial statements the church’s pastor, Robert Jeffress, has made about Mormons, Catholics, Jews, and gays. Did Tebow disagree with the statements, or did he just want to protect his image? Paul is happy that evangelicals are less inclined to wage culture wars, but Sarah worries about hateful thoughts left unvoiced. Plus: Paul and Sarah make predictions on how long it will take for conservative Christians to accept gay marriage.
Feb 22, 2013 — Matthew Duss & James Joyner
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Foreign Entanglements
On Foreign Entanglements, James explains the Atlantic Council’s shadowy supporters, which may or may not include “friends of Hamas.” Matt wonders whether Hagel’s critics really are this stupid, or just think their audience is. James describes the DC think tank landscape. Did Rand Paul’s foreign policy speech mark a return of GOP realism? Matt argues that, by now, we know who John McCain really is. James sees parallels between Obama’s foreign policy and Reagan’s. Plus: Is Sen. Ted Cruz just a jerk?
Feb 21, 2013 — Bill Scher & Matt K. Lewis
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On The DMZ: Was Calvin Coolidge a better conservative than Herbert Hoover? Is S.E. Cupp a better conservative than Rush Limbaugh? Has the decline of Catholicism hurt conservatism? Matt and Bill revisit Rand Paul vs. Marco Rubio, and consider whether Rubio and Obama secretly want immigration reform to fail. Plus: Why does the White House press corps care about covering a golf game?
