
28 March 2025


Pros & Conn

Political debates between conservative Conn Carroll and progressive adversaries

Mar 8, 2012 — Conn Carroll & Guy Benson
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On this week’s Pros and Conn, Guy analyzes the Super Tuesday results, explains why Romney will be the nominee, and argues that the primary is making Mitt a stronger general-election candidate. Guy also reveals his VP predictions, and Conn makes the case for a Romney-Ryan ticket.


Mar 1, 2012 — Conn Carroll & Steven Shepard
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On Pros and Conn, polling guru Steven Shepard talks about the difference between live and robo-polls, the Gallup tracking poll and whether the news of the day can affect it, why Obama has an approval ceiling, how Super Tuesday could be a disaster for Romney, and which will be the swing states to watch in November.

Feb 24, 2012 — Conn Carroll & David Weigel
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On Pros and Conn, Dave talks about who lost the Arizona GOP debate, Rick Santorum’s big government social conservatism, the chances that a new candidate could enter the race, and why Paul Ryan might be able to pull it off. Plus: is Romney running out of rich donors?

Feb 16, 2012 — Conn Carroll & Jaime Fuller
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On this week’s episode of Pros and Conn, Jaime Fuller talks about whether the payroll tax deal is a win for both sides, debates Obama’s budget and the Buffett Rule, and wonders if Rick Santorum could actually win this thing.

Feb 9, 2012 — Conn Carroll & Joan McCarter
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This week on Pros and Conn, Joan McCarter appears to talk about what the results of “Pseudo Tuesday” really mean, the scene at the Conservative Political Action Conference, Republicans in disarray over renewing the payroll tax cut, and vengeance vs. the rule of law in the foreclosure fraud settlement.

Feb 2, 2012 — Conn Carroll & Armando Llorens
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On this week’s episode of Pros and Conn, Talk Left’s Big Tent Democrat (aka Armando Llorens) talks about Romney’s win in Florida, how Cubans think about immigration, why Romney doesn’t care about poor people, and the power of Erick Erickson and Markos Moulitsas.

Jan 19, 2012 — Pat Garofalo & Conn Carroll
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In the inaugural edition of Pros and Conn, host Conn Carroll talks to Pat Garofalo about Mitt Romney’s taxes, Obama’s campaign against income inequality, how Republicans botched the fight over the Keystone Pipeline, and what to do about the troubled housing market.
