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Bloggingheads.tv videos — September 2012


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Sep 30, 2012 — Matthew Duss & Jamie Fly
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Foreign Entanglements

On Foreign Entanglements, Matt and Jamie discuss the Foreign Policy Initiative’s new poll of US opinion on foreign policy. They debate whether isolationism is still an important strain in American politics. Why was the Obama administration so slow to acknowledge the Libyan consulate murders as a terrorist attack? Were the embassy demonstrations a sign of US weakness in the Middle East? Both Matt and Jamie think supporters of Bush’s “Freedom Agenda” should’ve been prepared for Morsi’s UN speech. Finally, Matt criticizes Netanyahu’s infamous bomb chart speech, while Jamie defends an aggressive stance against Iran.

Sep 29, 2012 — Sarah Posner & Jacques Berlinerblau
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The Posner Show

On The Posner Show, Sarah speaks with Jacques Berlinerblau about his new book, How To Be Secular, in which he says American secularism needs to “check into rehab.” Why did secularism lose steam to the Christian right, despite having been protected by the Supreme Court in the 1960s and ’70s? And what would it take for secularism to succeed today? Jacques argues that secularist leaders need to abandon strict separationism for what he calls an accommodationist approach. Is Obama’s Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnership a good idea? Finally, Sarah and Jacques agree that God-talk on the campaign trail is here to stay.

Sep 27, 2012 — Bill Scher & Matt K. Lewis
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On The DMZ: Can Scott Brown overcome being a Republican in Massachusetts? Can Politico‘s Roger Simon overcome a failed attempt at satire? Can Romney overcome the polls? Or is Obama the Teflon President? Did Obama mislead the public about Libya? And why hasn’t the attack in Benghazi become a bigger campaign issue? Plus: Romney’s wrong bet on the economy.
Sep 26, 2012 — Conor Friedersdorf & Elizabeth Nolan Brown
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On Friedersdorf, Elizabeth kicks things off by describing a project in which she photographs 30-year-old women. Conor expresses skepticism about the new theory that men today are more emotionally needy than before. Is everyone just freaking out about the end of gender norms? The diavloggers debate the government’s proper role in combating obesity and consider portion size and deferred gratification. Conor inquires as to whether opposite-gender bathrooms should be used when they’re empty and the bathroom to which you’re assigned is full. Plus: Is wedding planning inherently sexist?
Sep 23, 2012 — Robert Farley & Toshi Yoshihara
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Foreign Entanglements
On Foreign Entanglements, Rob and Toshi discuss the East China Sea island dispute between China and Japan.  Toshi gives a brief history of the dispute, then explains why tensions have escalated in recent months. Rob wonders how much the growing strength of the Chinese navy affects the calculations of policymakers in Tokyo and in Southeast Asia.  Rob and Toshi discuss the role that the United States can play in de-escalating the crisis. They also consider China’s relationship with Taiwan in this context. Plus: how does climate change influence disputes like this one?
Sep 23, 2012 — Mike Konczal & Josh Bivens
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Fireside Chats
In this episode of Fireside Chats, Mike Konczal speaks with Josh Bivens of the Economic Policy Institute on their new edition of State of Working America. They discuss what has happened to median incomes over the past 30 years. What does inequality have to do with the story? And how does the social safety net impact these numbers? What role should education play? And what are the likely debates between left liberals and left neoliberals when it comes to economic policy once we are past the Great Recession? All these questions are answered.
Sep 22, 2012 — Alyssa Rosenberg & June Thomas
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Critic Proof
Alyssa and June tackle LGBT representation on television this fall. They debate the portrayal of lesbians on the new sitcom The New Normal. Alyssa wonders why gay people only hang out with straight people on TV. June explains why Lost Girl is the only fantasy show she likes, and Alyssa announces her favorite new character on TV. How great is The L.A. Complex? Finally, June and Alyssa review the progress LGBT characters have made so far.
