
25 October 2024


The Week in Blog

Recent political developments in the blogosphere

Mar 7, 2012 — Bill Scher & Matt K. Lewis
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Under consideration on TWiB: Will Romney need to pick Rand Paul or Rick Santorum as VP to secure a majority of the delegates? Is the Republican Party fracturing along demographic lines? Why is Rush Limbaugh feeling pressure all of a sudden? Why don’t Republicans just drop the contraception issue? And Matt’s call for civility receives a less-than-civil response.


Mar 2, 2012 — Bill Scher & Matt K. Lewis
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Bill makes his triumphant return from paternity leave in time to analyze the media narrative surrounding Super Tuesday. Matt thinks Romney’s close victory in Michigan made him more endearing, while Bill argues he just can’t build momentum. Matt and Bill remember Andrew Breitbart and consider his legacy: Could his early death turn him into the conservative Jim Morrison? And did his often controversial actions hurt the cause?

Feb 25, 2012 — Matt K. Lewis & Robert Costa
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This week, Bob joins Matt to analyze Tuesday’s debate, and how it might affect the upcoming primaries. Matt says Santorum is a very bad politician, but what if he wins in Romney’s home state? Looking at Marco Rubio, Chris Christie, and Rand Paul, Bob and Matt evaluate prospective VP candidates. Bonus: Bob shares some dangerous multitasking tips for traveling journalists.

Feb 17, 2012 — Chris Moody & Matt K. Lewis
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Matt and guest-host Chris recap the scene at CPAC and relate whether Matt successfully avoided his thousands of adoring fans. They discuss how opposing the payroll tax cut was like a rat’s head in the GOP’s coke can, and marvel at the incredible rehabilitation of Rick Santorum. Is Santorum right to claim that he’s the conservative alternative to Romney? And are Tim Pawlenty and Mike Huckabee kicking themselves right now?


Feb 10, 2012 — Bill Scher & Matt K. Lewis
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Under discussion this week: Why Matt won’t talk to you at CPAC. Will conservatives get on the Santorum train? Why Romney lives or dies by the monthly jobs reports. Can Romney govern without a philosophy? And Matt and Bill get a little testy over contraception and explore the political fallout from Obama’s decision.

Feb 3, 2012 — Bill Scher & Matt K. Lewis
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This week, on The Program Formerly Known as TWiB: Why Matt is dreading going to the Conservative Political Action Conference. How will the CPAC crowd respond to the presidential candidates? Will Romney run right or run center in the general? And Bill and Matt try to figure out why Ann Coulter, Matt Drudge, and Jennifer Rubin all seem to be in the tank for Romney.

Jan 27, 2012 — Bill Scher & Matt K. Lewis
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This week: Bill and Matt need viewer input on renaming their show. Then, under consideration: Is Romney getting stronger, or are his opponents just pathetic? Do political leaders need inspiring “moon-shot” ideas, or are voters craving a return to normalcy? Did the State of the Union show Obama triangulating or rallying his base?

Jan 20, 2012 — Bill Scher & Matt K. Lewis
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On The Week in Blog: Can Newt ride conservative hatred of the media to victory? Is it better for presidential candidates to stay on message or to improvise? Why isn’t Romney proud of his tax return? And did blogger Erick Erickson push Perry out of the race?
