
21 May 2024

Feb 17, 2012 — Chris Moody & Matt K. Lewis
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The Week in Blog

Matt and guest-host Chris recap the scene at CPAC and relate whether Matt successfully avoided his thousands of adoring fans. They discuss how opposing the payroll tax cut was like a rat’s head in the GOP’s coke can, and marvel at the incredible rehabilitation of Rick Santorum. Is Santorum right to claim that he’s the conservative alternative to Romney? And are Tim Pawlenty and Mike Huckabee kicking themselves right now?


Feb 16, 2012 — Conn Carroll & Jaime Fuller
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Pros & Conn

On this week’s episode of Pros and Conn, Jaime Fuller talks about whether the payroll tax deal is a win for both sides, debates Obama’s budget and the Buffett Rule, and wonders if Rick Santorum could actually win this thing.

Feb 15, 2012 — Robert Farley & Mark Leon Goldberg
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Foreign Entanglements

On Foreign Entanglements, Rob and Mark Leon Goldberg discuss the latest events in Syria, and the repercussions of recent developments at the United Nations. They ponder the reasoning behind Russia’s commitment to Syria, on both military and diplomatic fronts. Mark and Rob then explore the expanding writ of the International Criminal Court—is it making authoritarian leaders more reluctant to give up power? Finally, they consider the parallels between Syria and Bahrain and the future of the Responsibility to Protect.

Feb 14, 2012 — Conor Friedersdorf & Noah Millman
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Noah and Conor kick things off by debating the Catholic Church, health insurance, and contraception. Is this a manufactured controversy, or are lay Catholics earnestly upset by a loss of religious liberty? Noah is a Jewish liberal living in New York City—so what is he doing writing for The American Conservative? Conor wonders whether the GOP should embrace TAC‘s radical critique of American foreign policy. Charles Murray’s new book Coming Apart receives some harsh criticism, as does the right’s politics of symbolic victimization. Plus: who will Noah and Conor be voting for in November?  
Feb 13, 2012 — Sarah Posner & Sarah Wildman
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The Posner Show
On the first episode of The Posner Show, Sarah Posner and Sarah Wildman discuss how framing Iran’s nuclear ambitions as an existential threat assists fundamentalists, both Jewish and Christian. They also worry that the Republican presidential hopefuls rely more on myth than fact when discussing Middle East policy. How has casino magnate Sheldon Adelson so effectively shaped public opinion both in the US and Israel? And Newt Gingrich trivia: he narrowly averted an intifada, and took evangelizing lessons from a Messianic Jew.
Feb 12, 2012 — Glenn Loury & Laurence Kotlikoff
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The Glenn Show
Glenn introduces Larry Kotlikoff, professor of economics and — unbeknownst to you, perhaps — presidential candidate. Larry tells Glenn why it’s so hard for a president to get good economic advice, and they talk about the juicy political gossip in Ron Suskind’s book, Confidence Men. Larry lays out his non-partisan positions: he wants to reform health care insurance, strengthen the financial system, and get serious with Iran.
Feb 10, 2012 — Bill Scher & Matt K. Lewis
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The Week in Blog
Under discussion this week: Why Matt won’t talk to you at CPAC. Will conservatives get on the Santorum train? Why Romney lives or dies by the monthly jobs reports. Can Romney govern without a philosophy? And Matt and Bill get a little testy over contraception and explore the political fallout from Obama’s decision.
Feb 9, 2012 — Conn Carroll & Joan McCarter
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Pros & Conn
This week on Pros and Conn, Joan McCarter appears to talk about what the results of “Pseudo Tuesday” really mean, the scene at the Conservative Political Action Conference, Republicans in disarray over renewing the payroll tax cut, and vengeance vs. the rule of law in the foreclosure fraud settlement.
