
3 March 2025

Mar 8, 2012 — Robert Wright & Eli Lake
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Nonzero (The Wright Show)
Bob and Eli go nuclear! They debate whether it would take a land invasion to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon. Eli thinks that if Iran dropped out of the Non-Proliferation Treaty, the treaty would break. Bob asks: what is the worst thing that would happen if Iran got the bomb? Is Netanyahu using a religious text as a war drum? Eli argues that Iran’s been pushing for war, too.
Mar 8, 2012 — Conn Carroll & Guy Benson
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Pros & Conn
On this week’s Pros and Conn, Guy analyzes the Super Tuesday results, explains why Romney will be the nominee, and argues that the primary is making Mitt a stronger general-election candidate. Guy also reveals his VP predictions, and Conn makes the case for a Romney-Ryan ticket.  
Mar 7, 2012 — Bill Scher & Matt K. Lewis
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The Week in Blog
Under consideration on TWiB: Will Romney need to pick Rand Paul or Rick Santorum as VP to secure a majority of the delegates? Is the Republican Party fracturing along demographic lines? Why is Rush Limbaugh feeling pressure all of a sudden? Why don’t Republicans just drop the contraception issue? And Matt’s call for civility receives a less-than-civil response.  
Mar 7, 2012 — Matthew Duss & Meir Javedanfar
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Foreign Entanglements
On Foreign Entanglements, Matt and Meir discuss the real winners in Iran’s parliamentary elections, and how Ahmadinejad got in trouble with the country’s religious authorities. Could anything persuade the Supreme Leader to change course? Meir corrects assumptions about Iranian “apocalypticism,” and argues that Obama and Netanyahu are playing a good cop/bad cop routine. Finally, is a Middle East free of nuclear weapons an attainable goal?
Mar 6, 2012 — Conor Friedersdorf & James Poulos
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Conor and James kick things off by discussing the Republican primary, and hoping their home state of California will matter for the first time in memory. Weighing in on the Rush Limbaugh controversy, Conor posits that the radio host is losing advertisers because he attacked a class of people that is larger than his usual targets. Conor suggests an alternative argument that the right might marshal against birth control subsidies. James argues that Americans need to educate children in a more holistic way that affords them the ability to cultivate and appreciate down time. Shifting gears, he explains how Napoleon’s legacy is relevant to the future of Europe. And they close by pondering a modern techno-dilemma: If waiters are replaced by iPads, have we lost an important part of our culture?  
Mar 5, 2012 — Sarah Posner & Sarah Wildman
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The Posner Show
On The Posner Show, Sarah and Sarah discuss the ad placed in the New York Times by the Emergency Committee for Israel  claiming that prominent liberal think tanks are “anti-Israel.” There has been an effort on the right to discredit these liberal organizations and by extension Obama and the Democratic Party. But what else does the conflict say about the state of discussion among American Jews about Israel—and the controversial term “Israel firster”? Is rational debate about these issues on Twitter impossible? Plus: Wildman’s recent piece about the web magazine 972, and whether it is changing the face of the Israeli left.  
Mar 4, 2012 — Michael Brendan Dougherty & Adam Serwer
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Washington Squares
On the debut episode of Washington Squares, host Michael Brendan Dougherty and guest Adam Serwer talk about whether Obama’s re-election is a sure thing, and why Romney seems so uncomfortable talking about his wealth. In their own all-male panel on contraception, Adam defends the HHS mandate as normal employee compensation, while Michael explains the Catholic Church’s radical critique of the culture around sex and family planning. Lastly, they discuss how the Emergency Committee for Israel has thinned the ranks of liberal Zionists and criticize Israel’s occupation of the West Bank.
Mar 3, 2012 — Glenn Loury & Gershom Gorenberg
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The Glenn Show
Glenn Loury interviews Gershom Gorenberg about his book, The Unmaking of Israel. Glenn asks whether the real problem is that the Israeli state is ethnic, not that it’s religious. Would empowering Arab Israelis be a smart move for Zionists? Gershom describes how government officials aided and abetted illegal settlers, and how lawlessness emerged. Are ultra-Orthodox Jews dependent on government largesse? Gershom closes on an optimistic note.
Mar 2, 2012 — Bill Scher & Matt K. Lewis
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The Week in Blog
Bill makes his triumphant return from paternity leave in time to analyze the media narrative surrounding Super Tuesday. Matt thinks Romney’s close victory in Michigan made him more endearing, while Bill argues he just can’t build momentum. Matt and Bill remember Andrew Breitbart and consider his legacy: Could his early death turn him into the conservative Jim Morrison? And did his often controversial actions hurt the cause?
