
14 March 2025

Apr 20, 2012 — Bill Scher & Matt K. Lewis
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This week on The DMZ, Matt says that Romney is already doing a better job than McCain of taking the fight to Obama. Bill thinks that Romney has learned something from Howard Dean about being a tough-talking moderate. Matt argues that Obama is stirring up class envy to get re-elected, but Bill thinks that attacking Romney for being financially out of touch is fair game. Plus, The DMZ is accepting submissions for a theme song!
Apr 19, 2012 — Mike Konczal & Aaron Bady
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Fireside Chats
On Fireside Chats, Mike talks with Aaron about the campus protest origins of the Occupy movement.  They discuss the recently released report on the pepper-spraying of UC Davis students and what it says about how universities are changing.  They then examine how James Q. Wilson’s famous essay “Broken Windows” has transformed the way policing is done. They segue into analyzing capitalism and class in The Wire. Finally, Aaron discusses Teddy Roosevelt as a possible role-model for President Obama, and the weird way Roosevelt appeals to both red state and blue state mythology.
Apr 18, 2012 — Conor Friedersdorf & Michael Brendan Dougherty
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Conor and Michael kick things off by discussing the trial of Anders Breivik, the far-right Norwegian terrorist, who is trying to turn his trial into an attack on multiculturalism. They next turn their attention to Katie Roiphe’s controversial Newsweek cover story about female submission fantasies. Conor argues that there is a bipartisan interest in making women feel bad. Do American voters have a psychological need to be frightened? Both diavloggers muse on why Republicans continually fail to nominate the most conservative candidates in presidential primaries. And Michael heretically argues that Pete Campbell is his favorite character in Mad Men.
Apr 17, 2012 — Sarah Posner & Tresa Edmunds
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The Posner Show
On The Posner Show, Sarah and Tresa discuss Mormon feminism. What does Mormon theology and culture have to say about motherhood? Do Mitt and Ann Romney’s statements about Hilary Rosen and stay-at-home motherhood more reflect their place of privilege or their Mormonism? How has Mormon teaching shaped Romney’s views on contraception and abortion? Tresa argues that being a feminist Mormon housewife is not an oxymoron. Sarah and Tresa discuss efforts to block menstruating women from performing rites such as baptisms for the dead. Plus: what is the Mormon concept of Heavenly Mother, and why have Mormon feminists been excommunicated for trying to reclaim it?
Apr 15, 2012 — Robert Farley & Mark Dubowitz
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Foreign Entanglements
On Foreign Entanglements, Rob speaks with Mark about sanction policy against Iran. Mark is optimistic about US sanctions efforts, but Rob worries that Iran is pursuing a nuclear weapon anyway. Could Iran split the broad coalition that supports sanctions? Rob reminds us that even if Iran completely abandoned nuclear ambitions, Tehran would still be in rough shape. Mark and Rob compare Iran to heavily sanctioned regimes of the past. Finally, what will Obama do if Iran gets the bomb?
Apr 15, 2012 — Mark Schmitt & Edward Luce
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Fireside Chats
On Fireside Chats, Mark interviews Edward Luce about his new book on American decline, Time to Start Thinking. Edward argues that highly unequal societies are also economically less efficient. Have Republicans gamed America’s paralyzed political system? What can the US learn about education from Germany? Edward also dishes on his old boss Larry Summers, and recalls his wine-soaked lunch with Charles Murray.
Apr 13, 2012 — Brenda Talbot
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Washington Squares
On Washington Squares, Michael and Adam discuss John Derbyshire’s firing from National Review. Adam contends that much “race realism” is just a set of assertions to confirm already existing prejudices, and Michael searches for where to draw the line between intellectual inquiry about racial differences and racism. Michael worries that intellectual racism is likely to grow in the future, but Adam is more optimistic. The conversation then turns to the flap about Hilary Rosen and Ann Romney, where Michael defends political nonsense as a way for non-political junkies to engage in a debate and probe candidates. Finally, Michael launches an epic rant against the Catholic League for their attack on Rosen and their strategy of playing a victim.
