
14 March 2025

Mar 20, 2013 — Sarah Posner & Sarah Wildman
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The Posner Show

On The Posner Show, Sarah talks with Sarah Wildman about President Obama’s trip to Israel, in light of Sarah W.’s recent reporting in Jerusalem. Why would the building of settlements in the E1 area be a “fatal heart attack” to the prospects for peace? They discuss the settlement-building “swagger” that continues to pervade the new coalition government. Is a third intifada just waiting for a spark to set it off? They highlight the inclusive philosophy of pro-Zionist, pro-peace activist Daniel Seidemann, who runs the NGO Terrestrial Jerusalem. Plus: How Jerusalem is being Disney-fied through archaeology, and what Jerusalem will Obama see?

Mar 19, 2013 — Alyssa Rosenberg & Nick Baumann
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Critic Proof

On Critic Proof, Alyssa and Nick dissect South by Southwest. Nick describes how the experience of SXSW is that of constantly being sold to. Alyssa notes that even in the “interactive” world of tech, being face to face matters. What are the politics of the conference? Does anyone still care about not selling out? Alyssa wonders whether people who are excited to be cultural consumers also want to be customers. Plus: The best places to eat in Austin.

Mar 17, 2013 — Sarah Posner & Wil Gafney
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The Posner Show
On The Posner Show, Sarah and Wil discuss the hit History Channel miniseries The Bible. Wil thinks the producers have done a good job with some elements, but critiques the series’ erasure of women. She focuses in particular on Hagar, a figure of special significance in both Islamic and African-American Christian tradition, as well as the Battle of Jericho. Why are all the characters—with the exception of angels and Satan—portrayed by white actors, until we meet Samson? Wil has strong criticisms of the way Samson is portrayed as a “mandingo” figure. Does the series help solve, as its producers contend, the problem of biblical illiteracy? Plus: Rape and polygamy in the King David story.
Mar 14, 2013 — Sarah Posner & Mary E. Hunt
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The Posner Show
On The Posner Show, Sarah and Mary discuss newly elected Pope Francis. Mary argues that even though Francis is the first Jesuit pope, he will continue on the path set by John Paul II and Benedict XVI. Mary, who has lived in Argentina, expresses concerns about the Catholic Church’s involvement with the dictatorship during the country’s notorious Dirty War. She also notes that Francis has protested the current government’s liberal policies, particularly on gay marriage and abortion. She compares the Church’s role in the Dirty War to the sex abuse scandal in the US. Sarah suggests that media coverage of Francis has overemphasized his compassion for the poor. Plus: Will there be any change from Benedict’s efforts to make a “leaner, meaner church“?
Mar 14, 2013 — Bill Scher & Matt K. Lewis
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On The DMZ, Bill and Matt consider whether CPAC is helping the conservative movement by featuring Sarah Palin and Donald Trump. Can Rand Paul win over younger voters to the GOP? Bill asks what conservatism stands for, and Matt acknowledges that the movement is at a crossroads. Is Obama’s charm offensive aimed at congressional Republicans for real or just for show? Matt explores the testy relationship between newer conservative media outlets and the mainstream media, and Bill draws a distinction between problems specific to conservative media and problems afflicting all new media.
Mar 13, 2013 — Glenn Loury & Laurence Kotlikoff
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The Glenn Show
On The Glenn Show, Larry makes the case that government debt is much worse than you realize, and says Paul Krugman is suffering from “deficit delusion.” He argues that we’re making a serious error by not using the “infinite horizon” to calculate the fiscal gap. Larry contends that he’s not making a conservative argument, but instead is defending the interests of future generations of Americans. Glenn and Larry discuss two delusions—those of supply-siders and demand-siders. Finally, Larry warns that the monetary policy pursued by Ben Bernanke will lead to hyperinflation.
