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Bloggingheads.tv videos — September 2013


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Sep 19, 2013 — Alyssa Rosenberg & Scott Meslow
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Critic Proof

On Critic Proof, Alyssa and Scott dissect the shocking Breaking Bad episode “Ozymandias” (contains spoilers). Why are some viewers still rooting for Walter White? They compare Skyler with Carmella Soprano, and Breaking Bad and The Sopranos more generally. What will the show’s ending say about Breaking Bad‘s moral universe? Moving on to the new TV season, Alyssa and Scott eviscerate Dads but are optimistic about Brooklyn Nine-Nine. They discuss whether Masters of Sex represents an evolution of the prestige drama, and close by offering some recommendations for other new shows to watch.

Sep 18, 2013 — Bill Scher & Matt K. Lewis
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On The DMZ: Matt says it’s time for the GOP to engage in some creative self-destruction. Are House Republicans crazy to threaten a government shutdown to defund Obamacare? Matt says many Republicans have embraced a revolutionary mindset, and he expects to see the party follow a doomed mission. Bill and Matt debate whether Obama botched his response to the Navy Yard mass shooting. Is the president’s second term shaping up to be a failure? Plus: Evaluating Peter Beinart’s argument that Millennials are poised to move the country sharply to the left.

Sep 16, 2013 — Matthew Duss & Robert Farley
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Foreign Entanglements

On Foreign Entanglements, Matt and Rob talk Syria, credibility, and the developing conflict within the GOP over foreign policy. Matt runs down the latest developments on Syria, leading to a discussion of how reputation and credibility matter in international politics. Is Israel legitimately concerned about US credibility regarding Iran? Rob wonders whether Russia has really put its credibility on the line by taking responsibility for Syrian chemical weapons. Matt sees the same old hawks using credibility as an excuse for another war, and the two discuss how the Rand Paul–John McCain fight may be playing out in the think tank world. Finally, is isolationism making a comeback?

Sep 12, 2013 — Kevin Glass & Travis Waldron
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Rational Actors
On Rational Actors, Kevin and Travis discuss the significance of the NFL’s concussion settlement. They note that superstar salaries are not representative of the average NFL player’s career. Are rules changes fair to retired players who won’t directly benefit? Is youth football threatened by growing public awareness of the health risks? Is there any way to build a safer football helmet? How does the NFL Players Association compare with unions in others sports, such as basketball or baseball? Finally, they discuss the politics of sports and congressional involvement in labor disputes.
Sep 11, 2013 — Bill Scher & Matt K. Lewis
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On The DMZ, Matt says that Obama’s Syria address failed utterly, while Bill defends the speech. Does Obama truly want intervention? Matt argues that Obama’s rhetoric of a moral crusade against chemical weapons doesn’t match the logic of his actions. Bill explains Obama’s tactical thinking, but Matt says the president isn’t showing leadership. Matt says Bill is showing the kind of overconfidence that conservatives had in the Bush administration pre-Iraq. Turning to 2016, Matt touts Indiana Gov. Mike Pence as a possible dark horse contender. Plus: The return of CNN’s Crossfire.
