
5 February 2025


Bloggingheads.tv videos — September 2013


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Sep 4, 2013 — Bill Scher & Matt K. Lewis
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On The DMZ, Matt explains why he opposes bombing Syria, while Bill makes the case for military intervention. Matt hears uncomfortable echoes of the run up to the Iraq war. By taking his case to Congress, is Obama being calculating or capricious? Reviewing the political ramifications of the Syria vote, they discuss Rand Paul vs. Marco Rubio, the Arkansas Senate race, and why no 2016 Democratic contenders are opposing the president. Finally, Matt challenges Bill on whether he supports intervention just because he likes Obama.
Sep 4, 2013 — Robert Farley & Zack Beauchamp
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Foreign Entanglements
On Foreign Entanglements, Rob and Zack consider the arguments over intervention in Syria. They start by discussing the minimal case for a set of punishing strikes against the Assad regime designed to enforce the chemical weapons taboo. Would such a narrow intervention work as a meaningful deterrent? Rob and Zack then talk about the long-term prospects of the Assad regime, and how arguments for intervention might look in a decade. Finally, they work out their frustrations regarding the worst arguments currently made about the potential intervention.
