
22 February 2025

Apr 7, 2014 — Kevin Glass & Danny Vinik
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Rational Actors
On Rational Actors, Kevin and Danny take a close look at Paul Ryan’s new budget. They consider the controversial budgetary practice known as “dynamic scoring,” and whether Ryan’s budget can be reconciled with Rep. Dave Camp’s tax reform plan. Does Ryan have political ambitions beyond the House of Representatives? Kevin notes that Ryan has subtly changed his Medicare plan to make it more politically plausible. Have conservatives reached the final stage of Obamacare grief—acceptance? Plus: How liberals won the debate over pre-existing conditions.
Apr 4, 2014 — Bill Scher & Justin Green
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On The DMZ, guest-host Justin makes the case for Paul Ryan’s new budget. Is Ryan secretly hoping that Obamacare works? Bill and Justin debate the meaning of the Affordable Care Act’s seven million sign-ups. Bill condemns, and Justin defends, Ezra Klein’s highly critical reporting on Healthcare.gov’s early failures. Is balancing the budget without raising taxes the conservative version of the left’s dream of single-payer health care? Plus: Is Ryan alienating the middle or shrewdly moving the “Overton window”?
