
6 March 2025


Bloggingheads.tv videos — August 2012


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Aug 23, 2012 — E.J. Graff & Maggie Gallagher
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The Posner Show
On The Posner Show, E.J. and Maggie debate gay marriage. Maggie argues that sex can’t be separated from reproduction. E.J. believes gay marriage is the result of changing attitudes toward marriage in general, not a cause of that change. What is the purpose of civil marriage, and is it compatible with gay marriage? Maggie explains why she thinks gay marriage could negatively affect marriage as an institution. Finally, they discuss whether children need a mother and a father.
Aug 23, 2012 — Robert Farley & Dmitry Gorenburg
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Foreign Entanglements
On Foreign Entanglements, Rob speaks with Dmitry about Russian foreign and security policy. Rob asks Dmitry why the Russians have continued to support the Assad regime in Syria. They then discuss Russia’s approach to Responsibility to Protect. Rob wonders how Russia conceives of the relationship between US foreign policy and Islamic extremism. Finally, Dmitry suggests that some in the Obama administration quietly welcome the obstructionist role that Russia has played at the UN on Syria.
Aug 21, 2012 — Glenn Loury & John McWhorter
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The Glenn Show
On The Glenn Show, Glenn and John discuss affirmative action and the racial achievement gap. Glenn notes the energetic debate over affirmative action that he witnessed recently in Nepal, in contrast to the exhausted and formulaic arguments over that issue in the US. John says affirmative action should be a time-limited policy in the US. Glenn and John debate whether affirmative action has a place within urban police forces that use test-based hiring. The two discuss the existence and sources of racial differences in intelligence. Is standardized testing necessary? Finally, they both reflect on having achieved high test scores in their youth.
Aug 19, 2012 — Alyssa Rosenberg & Todd VanDerWerff
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Critic Proof
On the debut episode of Critic Proof, Alyssa and Todd recount their experience at the Television Critics Association Press Tour in Los Angeles. They preview the upcoming TV season, listing the best and worst new shows. Why is it so hard to make a good sitcom? Or a good network drama, for that matter? The two compare the business models of Hulu and Netflix as they compete to bring movies and TV to the Internet. Finally, they discuss why Breaking Bad fans are so critical of Skyler White, while her meth-dealing husband gets a pass (includes spoilers).
Aug 17, 2012 — Bill Scher & Kristen Soltis
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Kristen makes a triumphant return to Bloggingheads and learns the rules of The DMZ. She and Bill size up the Paul Ryan pick. Who now has the edge on Medicare? Does Ryan give Romney a chance to win the youth vote? Was Biden’s “chains” comment a meaningless ad-lib or the sign of an increasingly divisive campaign? And should we blame the media for this frivolous political climate?
Aug 16, 2012 — Robert Farley & Matthew Duss
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Foreign Entanglements
On Foreign Entanglements, Matt and Rob explore the foreign policy aspects of the election. They begin with what Paul Ryan means for foreign policy in the campaign, and for the battle between neocons and realists within the GOP. They next discuss what Israeli threats to attack Iran are intended to do, and how such threats might affect the course of the election. Rob and Matt then talk about Syria, including the effect of unrest on Iran-Israel relations and on US Presidential rhetoric. How have neoconservatives dealt with the Arab Spring? Finally, they delve into a new right-wing effort to undercut the Obama administration on killing Osama bin Laden.
