
18 February 2025


Nonzero (The Wright Show)

Conversations with a series of people who have nothing in common except that program host Robert Wright is curious about what they’re thinking.


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Mar 8, 2012 — Robert Wright & Eli Lake
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Bob and Eli go nuclear! They debate whether it would take a land invasion to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon. Eli thinks that if Iran dropped out of the Non-Proliferation Treaty, the treaty would break. Bob asks: what is the worst thing that would happen if Iran got the bomb? Is Netanyahu using a religious text as a war drum? Eli argues that Iran’s been pushing for war, too.
Mar 1, 2012 — Robert Wright & Matthew Yglesias
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Andrew Breitbart is dead, and Matt is already speaking ill of him. Should we abandon the taboo on criticizing the recently deceased? A new study says the wealthy are less ethical—but are they more jerky because they’re rich, or richer because they’re jerks? Bob thinks university admissions contribute to the jerk problem, and Matt suggests a possible solution. Bob asks Matt to help him overcome his Twitter phobia. Plus: Matt previews his forthcoming e-book, The Rent Is Too Damn High.
Feb 5, 2012 — Robert Wright & Matthew Lee
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Bloggingheads United Nations correspondent Matthew Lee reports on the vetoed Syria resolution and the behind-the-scenes machinations that led to its failure. Bob wonders if the world would be better off with a “get out of jail free” card for deposed dictators. Plus, Matthew has a shocking report on a Sri Lankan war criminal becoming a UN peacekeeping advisor, which leads him to inveigh against the UN’s lack of accountability.
